Monday, October 1, 2007

Attack of the Allergy

Never thought one day I could had an allergy attack. Never had any history of allergy before and now, I had one. Maybe it's just a message from above, for skipping 'Terawih' this year. After one jab on my behind and 2 jabs on my arm, hopefully the allergy will go away. Sick of going back and forth to the clinic and hospital. My first 2 visits to the clinic, was a waste of time. The doctor probably gave me some generic (cheap) drugs for my allergy. Don't even bother to look at my body. Some doctor just do it for the money I guess. But my visit to the hospital was totally the opposite. The doctor really showed her interest to treat me. She probably shots every drugs she could possibly give to me. Hopefully, the allergy stays away this time.
Doctor sending me for a stress test, which she said, could be one of the contributor for this allergy attack. I'm not that stress till I could get this sick. At least I think so. Well, I'm not that fit to be running on the treadmill during this fasting month. Maybe after raya, I'll think about it.

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